Photo by Tanaka Hajime
Photo by Tanaka Hajime
大野 暁彦
Akihiko Ono
ほとんどのプロジェクトは、都市や地域をつなぐはじまりの点である。 これまで私は、さまざまなプロジェクトを通し、それぞれの計画地と地域を関係づけていくことに挑んできた。
1kmも満たない帰り道に1時間も2時間もかかって下校していたそんな幼少期の原体験がある。 中学校以降、世界で起こる貧困問題や都市問題など様々な社会問題を知るたびに、どうにか人を救う仕事ができないものかと考えた中で、レイチェル・カーソン著の「沈黙の春」をはじめとする環境問題に関する本と出会う。「環境問題を解決すれば60億人(当時の地球人口)を救えるかも?」と考え、環境問題を解決するような空間づくりに関わろうと、ランドスケープアーキテクチュアの世界へ足を踏み入れた。
| 学歴 |
2014:千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科博士後期課程修了 (三谷徹研究室)
| 職歴 |
2015-2017 :SfG landscape architects設立
2017- :株式会社エスエフジー・ランドスケープアーキテクツ設立
Registered landscape architect
Associate Professor, Nagoya City University
Lecturer, Chuo University
Lecturer, Musashino Art University
| Academic |
2007:Graduate from Chiba University
2009:Master of Agriculture, Chiba University/Mitani Toru Lab.
2014:Ph.D of Agriculture, Chiba University/Mitani Toru Lab.
| Working experience |
2009-2010:OKRA landscape architects (the Netherlands)
2015-2017:SfG landscape architects Principal
2017- :SfG landscape architects Inc. Principal
Akihiko Ono has challenged relating each site to its local community. Ono aims to enhance continuity with the community by providing open public spaces for the community and by revitalizing the forests and nature that remain on the site. One of his favorite pastimes as a child was to graze on the path from school to home. He has his original childhood experience of spending one or two hours on his way home from school, which was less than a kilometer away, picking flowers along the greenway, sucking nectar from the flowers, basking in the sun, and playing hide-and-seek with friends. After junior high school, whenever he learned about various social issues such as poverty and urban problems in the world, he wondered if there was any way he could work to help people, and that is when he came across books on environmental issues such as “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson. He thought, “If we solve environmental problems, maybe we can save 6 billion people (the Earth's population at that time)?” He entered the world of landscape architecture to generate spaces that would solve environmental problems.
Photo by Tanaka Hajime
Takagi Satomi
2020-:SfG landscape architects 入社
| Academic |
2018:Graduate from Sugiyama University
2020:Master of Architecture, Nagoya City University Ono Akihiko Lab.
| Working experience |
2020- :SfG landscape architects Inc. Join
| Exhibition |
2022:Okishima and me
Satomi Takagi grew up in the mountains of Yoro Town, Gifu Prefecture, where she spent her childhood getting close to dogs, horses, and nature. From her school days to the present, she has commuted to Okishima, a remote island in Shiga Prefecture, where she has been exposed to the lives of people living with nature.
At SfG, she is mainly in charge of private gardens, such as a garden for animals and an artist's garden.
She places importance on creating gardens as if she were creating a story by observing the subject with her own tools and deriving the design through attending to the land. She is currently participating in a PJ project for an orphanage and a PJ project to connect streets.Her goal is to be involved in creating places where the healing power of landscape can be utilized.
Her interests include book making, horse therapy, and exploring materials.
Photo by Tanaka Hajime
畠田 恵
Hatada Megumi
2017: 大阪市立大学 工学部 都市学科 卒業
2021: 京都大学大学院 工学研究科 社会基盤工学専攻
景観デザイン分野 修士課程修了
| 職歴 |
2021: 植彌加藤造園(京都)
2021-2023: Enea Landscape Architecture(チューリッヒ)
2023: SfG landscape architects 入社
| Academic |
2017: Osaka City University, Civil Engineering
2021: Kyoto University, Graduate School Urban & Landscape Design
| Working experience |
2019: Enea Landscape Architecture , Zurich, Switzerland
2021: Ueya Landscape Design, Kyoto, Japan
2021-2023: Enea Landscape Architecture , Zurich, Switzerland
2023: SfG Landscape Architects, Nagoya, Japan
Megumi Hatada spent her childhood in Sasebo City, Nagasaki, where the shipbuilding industry thrived, and Ikeda City, Osaka, which is famous for its planting industry. After studying landscape design in civil engineering, she joined a landscape office in Switzerland. While experiencing various outdoor spaces in Europe, she pondered about the importance of public space. Currently, she is living in Iida City, Nagano, while participating in SfG. She is mainly in charge of station plazas and street spaces, but is also interested in hardscape such as bridges and canopies, as well as soft landscape such as glass gardens.
2023.10 「世田谷妙祐寺 自然の杜」GOOD DESIGN AWARD2023
「松原の複合住宅」GOOD DESIGN AWARD2023
2023.09 「高知県池川保育園」SDA AWARD 第57回日本サインデザイン賞入選
「高蔵寺駅前広場」SDA AWARD 第57回日本サインデザイン賞中部地区デザイン賞
2023.02 JLAU AWARD 2022 新人賞 三谷徹賞受賞
JLAU AWARD 2022 新人賞 石川初賞受賞
2021.10 「鍋屋バイテック会社」SKY Design Awards Black Shortlisted
2021.01 「鍋屋バイテック会社」 Lighting Design Award 2020
2020.10 「ぶるーむの風」 architecture masterprize 2020
2020.10 「鍋屋バイテック会社」LIT lighting Design Awards
2020.10 「那須の保養所」GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2020 BEST100
2020.08 「ぶるーむの風」Architecture Masterprize 2020受賞
2020.08 「ぶるーむの風」SKY Design Awards
2019.10 「ぶるーむの風」第30回緑の環境プラン大賞・コミュニティ大賞に選出
2019.10 「岸家」GOOD DESIGN AWARD2019
「コトニワガーデン新川崎」GOOD DESIGN AWARD2019
2019.03 「ぶるーむの風」みどり香るまちづくり企画コンテストにて日本植木協会賞受賞
2018.11 「太田市美術館・図書館」屋上・壁面緑化技術コンクールにて日本経済新聞社賞受賞
2017.01 「リノア新松戸リノベーション」第6回松戸市景観表彰「松戸景観優秀賞」受賞
2016 「新代田ポケットナーセリー」第27回緑の環境プラン大賞 -[国土交通大臣賞]受賞